
London, Derry, Madrid, Barcelona et al.
Jan - Aug 2023

I did it again. I shot a bunch of things throughout the year, forgot the roll existed and then developed the images a year later. I have to admit that this is a pretty good reflection of how this year went. I rented a a huge fuck off house in London for NYE and that was a vibe. I went to Derry and Belfast as part of my fellowship (up the Irish!) and then I went to Madrid to perform at La Casa Encendida, courtesy of Juf Projects. Thank you! It only made sense to head to Barcelona afterwards and catch up with my sis serahboo.m (see the sites and what not) then after a pit stop back home I was back in Berlin again for two performances; one at Haus am Waldsee and the other at Gropius Bau. Whew! My goal for 2024 is to learn how to set up my Olympus for night shoots and cloudy days. Too many images out of focus that had the potential to be great.


